
Allergies: Understanding and Addressing the Root Cause

Hey there, everybody! Dr. Robbins here again. I wanted to take a moment to chat about something we see a lot of here at the clinic: allergies. Whether they’re environmental or related to food sensitivities, allergies are a common issue that can really disrupt your life.

So, let’s dive in. Allergies are essentially your body’s histamine response, attacking something that’s normally harmless—something in the environment or even on your dinner plate. But why does this happen?

How We Develop Allergies

There are multiple ways to go about it. It could be hereditary or genetic. Sometimes it’s caused by overexposure to certain substances or toxins. The truth is, once you have an allergy, how you got it might not matter as much as figuring out what to do next.

The good news? You’re not stuck with it forever.

Food Sensitivities and Your Gut

When it comes to food sensitivities, the root cause is often in the stomach and small intestine. The body sometimes attacks what are called phenolics—the building blocks of food—and this triggers a histamine response. If your body is reacting to the phenolics in certain foods, it’s no wonder you’re experiencing discomfort.

Airborne Allergies

Of course, allergies aren’t limited to food. Take airborne allergies, for example. Before I got into alternative health, I knew exactly when someone was cutting hay—I could feel the fire of hay fever in about 10 minutes. But here’s the thing: you can turn that response off.

Holistic Allergy Solutions

At the Natural Wellness Clinic, we focus on solutions that address the root cause of allergies. We offer a range of drug-free options like digital remedies, biofeedback, and Rickor therapy. These approaches help reduce or even eliminate allergy symptoms without relying on traditional medications.

We’re here to educate and support you on your journey to better health. If you’re in The Woodlands, Texas, take advantage of our free 20-minute consultation. We’ll help you understand how to feel better.

Don’t suffer needlessly—come in, let’s chat, and get you back to feeling your best.

Looking forward to meeting you,
Dr. Robbins
Natural Wellness Clinic, The Woodlands, Texas

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