Natural Wellness Clinic Inc. of The Woodlands, TX

Home of the “In Office 20 min no-cost consult”

Addressing over 200 health conditions for all ages!
Merging the latest technology with natural modalities
To provide drug and needle-free solutions!

The Woodlands Natural Wellness Experience


A full-body Biofeedback scan uses technology and energy to identify your body’s most pressing issues.


We can help to relieve pain and many other symptoms from the entire body with electrical stimulation and reflex points located on the ear.

Craniosacral Therapy

A gently applied pressure on the body can increase the flow of cerebrospinal fluid and can help multiple ailments.

Conditions We Help

Natural Medicine
Doctor of
The Woodlands, Texas

“My mission is to improve the quality of life for each client through whole-body wellness.” – Dr. Robbins

Dr. Robbins first began his clinic as the Big Sky Natural Wellness Clinic practice in Billings, Montana in 2010. He specializes in Bioenergetic medicine, Auricular therapy, and Craniosacral therapy. With over a decade’s worth of first-hand experience in the treatment of medical problems that could not be helped with traditional medicine and synthetic drugs. On what began as his own search to help his family, he is helping countless others bring their bodies back to a level of homeostasis and live fuller, happier, and healthier lives. He is now bringing his passion to help people to The Woodlands, TX.


Book your free consultation

Call us today for a risk-free 20-minute consultation.


Take the symptom survey

Find out what treatment may be recommended when you come in for a consultation.


Find the root cause

Talk to Dr. Robbins, whether over the phone or at our location in The Woodlands, TX.

Why Choose Us?

Comprehensive care

We strive to provide the most comprehensive care in Bioenergetic Medicine with the newest technology in the field.

Natural whole-body health

Through our Full Body Scan, Auricular Therapy, Craniosacral, and Meridian Balancing, we can help our clients using a natural, whole-body health technique.

See the entire picture of health

Physical, mental, emotional, and bioenergetic levels. 

Listen to Dr. Robbins, his story, and his philosophy on health.

Client Testimonials

Headache Testimonial

I started seeing Dr. Robbins in the middle of July and since the first week in August I haven’t had a headache. I see him about once a month for Maintenance.

Allergy Testimonial

“Growing up I have experienced hay, pollen, and grass allergies. Every year the allergies and meds would be stronger. I knew the Bio Energetic Scans it would help me, but I was not sure if the nasty itchy throat; watery eyes; sneezing my brains out; and run down feeling would diminish completely. I took one treatment with drops, 3 times a day for 4 weeks and I improved by leaps and bounds. I know that my hay fever is almost not noticeable, and the pollen/ grass allergies are minor. All this was made possible through my own body’s natural workings. I wouldn’t want it any other way.

Anxiety/Depression Testimonial

The treatment was remarkably effective. It provided considerable relief for the following symptoms:  anxiety, depression/despair, sleeplessness, difficulty thinking clearly, difficulty processing information and making decisions.

PTSD Testimonial

Dr. Robbins has made a huge positive impact on my life and overall being. He genuinely cares about his patients and strives for nothing less then excellence for us. I was being treated with his Auriculotherapy and Craniosacral Therapy. Between both of these treatments alone, this has reduced my PTSD and Anxiety by over 50%! I didn’t even think that was possible when I first met him. He goes above and beyond for every single one of his patients. Dr. Robbins is the light at the end of the tunnel for me. Very grateful for him. Highly recommend Dr.Robbins and his therapy.

Hot Flashes/Brain Fog Testimonial

You have truly been a blessing.  I was a mess when I came in. You ran the full body scan and I was amazed at how accurate it was. The results showed most of the issues I had! I was extremely emotional, with brain fog, and the worst hot flashes ever! As long as I take my drops the hot flashes just don’t exist. I’ve been consistently using the drops for about a year. Thank you so much!

Start Your Wellness Journey

Natural Wellness Clinic of The Woodlands, TX

25211 Grogans Mill Rd, Suite 125, The Woodlands, TX, 77380

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